Join Our Team!
Rand Logistics and our affiliates are always looking for extraordinary people to join our industry-leading team that keeps defining the future of marine bulk freight shipping, ship repair and logistics services in the Great Lakes Region!
Shoreside Careers
If you are looking develop your career in a shoreside function, you will be inspired by our entrepreneurial spirit, drive for growth and commitment to succeed in all areas of our business!
Shipboard Careers
If you are looking to sail with us as part of our Deck or Engine teams, safety, efficient operations, a family-oriented environment, one of the best leave and rotation systems on the Great Lakes, unprecedented teamwork and some of the most talented colleagues in the industry are just some of the reasons you will enjoy a career with us!
Whether you work in Canada or the U.S., a total rewards package is everything you receive as an employee and includes: your income, healthcare benefits, wellness programs, retirement savings plans and work/life balance. Opportunities for tuition assistance assures a path to career growth at a pace that is right for each individual.